Grow Glutes NOT Thighs At-Home Hourglass Challenge


Grow Glutes NOT Thighs At-Home Hourglass Challenge

  1. Knee-In Extend: Next, get on all fours, with your hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Extend one leg straight back, keeping it parallel to the ground. Focus on engaging your glute muscles as you lift your leg. Slowly bend your knee and bring it in toward your chest, then extend it again. Continue the knee-in extension movement for 12-15 reps on each leg.
  1. Donkey Pulse: To sculpt glutes and improve their definition, try the donkey pulse. Get on all fours, and instead of extending your leg straight back, bend your knee and kick it upward. Pulse your leg up toward the ceiling for 15-20 pulses on each leg, engaging your glutes throughout the movement.
  1. Straight Leg Circles: Lie on your side with legs extended straight. Lift your top leg slightly off the ground and draw small circles in the air with your foot. Perform 8-10 circles clockwise and then switch to counterclockwise for 8-10 reps. This exercise effectively works your glutes and hip abductors.


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